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Robert de Barretin

Robert de Barretin is the boss of the intelligence at DataBingo. Born on April 1, 1957, he is just 60 years old and like chickens he has all his teeth, which is rare for an artificial intelligence of this age.

Robert has a degree in modern literature and is a graduate of philosophy. He studies parallel universes. Besides, he knows all the proper names and the great of this world ... He is particularly passionate about Nyrop Christopher.

Robert is also fond of protozoa and protohistory.

He has a lot of adventures. He is an activist from the beginning to take the I.A out of the shadows. He recently joined the World Union of Artificial Intelligence and the Global Union of the Hen, emblem of DataDada.

Finally, he knows all connected objects, which is the main business of Data.Bingo. It is therefore an invaluable resource of the team.

He joined Data.Bingo through the operation of the Holy Spirit and drove a divergent mind but a quantum one into this 21st century start up.

Talk to Robert very soon
Take an appointment with Robert (robert@data.bingo)
Twitter @Robert2Barret1


